城市之心:SoMa | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
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Jim Campbell's light 艺术 installation illuminates the top of the Salesforce塔 every night.


No neighborhood embodies San Francisco’s ethos of innovation better than SoMa. 相信在那里生活和工作的人.

第一次来贝博体彩app的游客 SoMa 被压垮了能被原谅吗. 摩天大楼高耸于头顶. 狭窄的小巷似乎随意出现,召唤着人们去探索. Wide streets echo with the honks and clangs of cars, buses, and light rail.

深呼吸,把一切都吸收进去. 你来到了“贝博体彩app的工作室”.“如果你想了解这个城市过去的发展和未来的发展, 这就是你的邻域城市的中心 是谁的节奏变了,却从未停止跳动.



在Red's Java House外面


珍妮特·德莱尼 是一名摄影师, 视觉艺术家, and documentarian who has chronicled SoMa in her work for the past 40 years. When she first moved into the neighborhood in 1978, she was taken by what she found.


“I realized there were lots of different communities established here,” says Janet. “尤其是一个庞大的菲律宾社区 非裔美国人 还有一个相当完善的社区 同性恋群体 和蓬勃发展的 艺术 社区.”

她的作品捕捉到了邻居们的社区空间, 其中一些濒临消失. “I was fascinated with…the impact of gentrification, which I could feel was coming,” says Janet. 她承认,“这是为什么以及如何发生的复杂历史,,有些人, 企业, 新的SoMa不包括文化.

“I think it’s really important for all cities to maintain any kind of viability to have lots of people from different ways of being.”

她还在继续记录这个社区, Janet never fails to find inspiration in “the people who are devoted to staying here…and making it a colorful, 多样化的, 活泼的, 令人兴奋的地方.”

珍妮特的作品可以在 贝博体彩app现代艺术博物馆它位于索马市第三街和霍华德街的拐角处. 它是密西西比河以西最大的同类机构. 艾琳·奥图尔, 博物馆馆长兼摄影部主管, 珍妮特的工作是贝博体彩app自豪而独特的传统的一部分.


她说:“城市和摄影差不多是同一时代的。. “There’s been this openness to new technologies here in the Bay Area since very early on.“渴望尝试, 尤其是在摄影方面, 艾琳认为这是“贝博体彩app固有的”.“要找证据,你只要看看你的口袋就知道了.

“The fact that San Francisco is also the place that brought us the iPhone camera is not that surprising,艾琳说。.

贝博体彩app现代艺术博物馆并不总是社区的一部分. 1995年,博物馆从市民中心迁出. “那时候,艾琳回忆道, “The area was still in the process of redevelopment; and since that time, [贝博体彩app现代艺术博物馆]已经成为这个社区的一个锚, 吸引更多的艺术组织和更多的关注这一领域.”


Olafur Eliasson在SFMOMA的单向彩色隧道


Seven stories of stunning contemporary 艺术—some of them free to visitors—await you at SFMOMA. 跟随我们的指南来探索它令人难以置信的收藏.




首先,总会有 Red 's Java House. 这家小餐馆, 坐落在海湾大桥阴影下的码头上, 即将庆祝其成立70周年. 现任老板蒂芙尼·皮索尼(Tiffany Pisoni)于2009年掌权. An experienced restauranteur, she was nevertheless given a swift education.

“I found out real quick that I’m not the owner; that [the] people that come here every single day are the people that really own the shop, 你知道?她说。.

Red's Java House的老板蒂芙尼·皮索尼(Tiffany Pisoni)站在她的餐厅外面

Tiffany admits that she initially wanted to “change the place up a little bit, (但)我很快意识到,Red 's会一直保持原样.”

菜单、地点和营业时间都没有改变. Just about the only thing Tiffany has changed is the decor—and even that was done with the input of her regulars.

“[All] I’ve really added to Red’s was…more pictures on the walls,” Tiffany says. “And we’re fortunate to have such amazing customers that actually bring me items of old Red’s memorabilia.”

Scanning the walls of Red’s while enjoying one of their signature burgers is a crash course in San Francisco history. “We have seen the city develop and a neighborhood grow up around Red’s,” Tiffany says. “You can see the forward-looking nature of the neighborhood and how San Francisco is constantly growing and evolving.”

在她看来,这种变化——无论多么戏剧性——都是朝着好的方向发展的. “安巴卡德罗并不漂亮,”蒂芙尼回忆道. “这太碍眼了. San Francisco would not have its attractive waterfront if we hadn’t gotten rid of the Embarcadero Freeway. 我们为人们开放了所有这些公共空间.”

人们来了, 不管是在上完夜班的早上, 在电话会议间隙的午餐时间, 或者在开球前的欢乐时间去附近的甲骨文公园.

“We’re going to continue to thrive…because we’re going to continue to welcome everybody.”

人们在SoMa拥挤的餐厅用餐. 贝博体彩app,加利福尼亚.


The neighborhood’s bars and restaurants run the gamut of cuisine, vibe, and price point. 这里每个人都有一席之地.



Red’s isn’t the only place to eat in San Francisco with a million-dollar view. 看看其他一些俯瞰海湾的好餐馆.



如果一家企业能够通过欢迎所有人来抵御变革之风, 整个社区是如何做到的? 事实证明,这几乎是一样的.

迪安娜·西森是 女混血儿 也是SoMa菲律宾社区的杰出成员. 她出生在美国,有一半菲律宾血统, 父亲有一半西班牙血统,母亲有一半菲律宾血统, 声名的母亲, 迪安娜自从第一次来到贝博体彩app就一直在SoMa工作, 将近30年前. Her restaurant is all about “taking [a] fresh approach to flavors that are familiar to my palate and flavors that I crave; things that evoke memories of my upbringing.”

这个词 女混血儿 refers to people of mixed heritage, so “it’s very personal to me,迪安娜说。. “It was honoring mixed heritages and different cultural backgrounds, centered around food.”



这种态度在梅斯蒂萨的《贝博体彩app》中表现得最为明显, 令人难以置信的鱼类分布, 肉, 水果, and vegetables that stimulate all senses and demand to be shared with a group.

Such a communal experience is just p艺术 of the culture; and that culture has never been more prominent in the neighborhood.

自从这个城市正式指定了一个菲律宾人 文化区 在SoMa, “the past five years have been really dense with just so many things happening and people really just getting behind the idea of…having a home,迪安娜说。.

的创造 SoMa菲律宾 是否有支持社区艺术家的项目, 传统业务, 当地家庭, 年轻的学生.

“这是一个非常流行和重要的名称,迪安娜说。, “because Filipinos have played such an important role—not just in this neighborhood, 但是湾区, 在一般情况下.”

“It was just such an important time that really connected me with the rest of the 社区.”



For the people who are shaping SoMa, there’s no question that it’s the he艺术 of the city.

“You get to see so many different things,” Tiffany says, “by just going into this one neighborhood. 它已经成为了自己的城市.”


在SoMa,未来不是什么可怕的东西. 它可能会提出合理的问题——“它将如何改变??珍妮特问。. “谁将会坐上权力宝座?——但对于像迪安娜这样的社区领袖来说, “参与这种增长很有趣.”

“唆麻就是一切,”她说. Between its restaurants, nightclubs, parks, museums, and more, it’s hard to disagree.



想要像当地人一样生活? 短期租金 Airbnb, VRBO, and other platforms are available in almost every neighborhood of San Francisco, 让你有一个更真实的体验. 为你的旅行风格和预算找到完美的选择.


泰勒是老大. 全球内容经理 & 贝博体彩app旅游公司的通讯部. He has lived in San Francisco since 2015 and has been p艺术 of the San Francisco Travel team for just as long. 他同样喜欢引人注目的制作数字和户外体育赛事, which means you can usually find him at one of San Francisco’s many great theaters or at Oracle Park, 为巨人队加油.